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OAGCT State Conference 2023

OAGCT State Conference 2023
02/17/2023 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Location: Stillwater, OK.

Registered attendees (189)

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Date Name
02/16/2023 Abney, Angela
02/16/2023 Bond, Jamie
02/16/2023 Liotine, Rachel
02/15/2023 Hayes, Pam - plus 1 guest
02/15/2023 Sweet, Shanna
02/15/2023 Anonymous user
02/14/2023 Willis, Brandon - plus 1 guest
02/13/2023 Pelts, Diana - plus 1 guest
02/13/2023 Ellis, Taryn
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Oklahoma Association for Gifted, Created & Talented
P.O Box 14290 | Tulsa, OK 74159

Unifying the State of Gifted Education in Oklahoma

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